Xander, born 3/7/2000

Geoff and Jen are happy to introduce our cutie pie.
Xander William F.

Happy Fourth of July.

Xander was 10lbs 9oz at birth. He was 21 1/2 inches long. He had dark brown hair and brilliant blue eyes. He's still got the eyes, but not the hair!

My blankie, my friend.

My new sippy cup.

Xander has two teeth. We think he's getting ready for more. Today, Sept. 5, Xander grabbed the kitty tail all by himself. He was proud!! He's also starting to think about sitting up by himself. He loves to reach for everything he sees and pat the table while sitting on your lap. He can stand with help and is growing a lot. As of September 7, 2000 Xander is 21 pounds 4 1/2 ounces and 29 inches long!! He's a biggie boy and about to grow out of his 6-12 month clothing!!
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This page was last updated on September 17, 2000.
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